Cross Country - Secondary

Welcome to the Secondary schools cross country site. Our season runs from October until February, with 5 League fixtures, and a Championships at Graves Park at the end of January. The results from this, taken with League performances, are used to select a teams to represent Sheffield in the South Yorkshire Schools Championships, which takes places in February. Most fixtures take place in Sheffield parks, with one or two occurring on school premises. At the end of the season, there are awards for teams and individuals in both League and Championship competition, . All fixtures take place on Saturday mornings.

This site provides the event manual, entry forms, fixture details and results from the various secondary schools cross country events.

We are always in need of volunteers to help with the organisation on the day. If you can help in this role, please contact the Secretary.

South Yorkshire Schools - Results and Team for English Schools Championship

Congratulations to all athletes that competed at the South Yorkshire Schools Cross Country Championship at Winter Hill on Saturday 1st February 2025. Each and everyone of you should be proud of your performance. You all showed great courage, determination and wonderful sportsmanship towards your fellow athletes.

1) Results are now available for you to see on the attached spreadsheet.

2) The team selected to represent South Yorkshire at the English Schools Championship - please check carefully, there are a lot of Sheffield athletes that have made the team!

3) Athletes letters and reply slips - sorry there are so many! Please take care to read thoroughly. There are some very tight deadlines to meet! Please do not delay in replying! (Please note: reserves should not fill in any forms. If reserves are needed they will be contacted directly.)

4) If any athletes have any concerns or questions about anything regarding the team etc, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Once again, congratulations to all athletes!

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

Acceptance letter and medical

Athlete letter for South Yorkshire representatives 2025

Code of conduct residential

Invitation letter

South Yorkshire Schools XC Results 2025

SYSAA Kit Letter 2025 cross country

Team 2025

South Yorkshire Schools Championships - Update

IPlease find attached a copy of the courses and timetable for the South Yorkshire Schools Championships on Saturday 1st February at Winterhill School, Rotherham. Please ensure you arrive by 9am so we can register you. Vests will be available to buy on a first come, first served basis (£15 - please bring exact amount), or available to borrow for the race. Please can you also ensure that cars are parked sensibly, not blocking any access that is needed!

If you are unable to run due to injury or illness, please can you let me know ASAP so I can invite reserves.

Thanks, see you all on Saturday 1st!

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

maps and timetable SY Champs 2025

Sheffield team selected for South Yorkshire Championships

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those staff that have been such an important part of the organisation, and who have repeatedly given up their time to volunteer at these events: Pete McLeod, Andy Davis, Pat Howse, Matt Donnelly, Helen Raynes, Charlotte Rothery, Hayley Simpson, Jenny Murray and Steve Moran. Thank you also to Keith Holmes and Mark Bennehan who have also been a great help throughout the season. (Apologies if I've missed any one else!) The events we put on could not happen without volunteers. If you think you could be a part of the team next year, and help out at a one, or a number of events, please can you get in touch? It really is a rewarding experience.

Attached are a number of important documents that I need you to look at and deal with as a matter of urgency:

1) Teams selected to represent Sheffield at the South Yorkshire Schools Championships (1st February). Thank you for those who informed me of any particular cases of athletes that needed special consideration. I've looked carefully at all the athletes and using the league results, and any other races that athletes may have run in, selected the Sheffield team as fairly as I could have! Apologies to any runners that narrowly missed out on making the teams!

2) Team letters and reply slips. I would be grateful if you could check the teams for any of your athletes and distribute the 3 letters (4 for reserves). There is one letter to congratulate them, and two other documents that they need to complete and return to me. Athletes can post reply slips back to me, or scan them and send to my email address. There is also a letter for reserves to explain the situation regarding reserve athletes. Please encourage athletes to do this promptly!

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

Athlete Letter for Sheffield Representatives SYSAA CC Feb 20254

Reply slip 2 2025

Reply slip athletes 2025

Reserves additional note 2025

Sheffield XC Team for SY Champs 2025

City Championships - Sat 11th Jan - CANCELLED

I suspect this is the update that many of you were expecting. Due to the weather conditions, and conditions underfoot we have made the decision to cancel the City Championship races this Saturday. We had hoped that conditions might improve, however this has not been the case, and the course is too dangerous for us to continue with the races. The ground is frozen, where people have walked it has been compacted into ice, and even the fresh snow now has a very hard and sharp crust to it. For the safety of athletes, parents and marshals we need to cancel. Please can you ensure this message is passed on to all concerned.

Unfortunately we will not have time to rearrange the City Champs ahead of the South Yorkshire Championship at the start of February. Selection for the Sheffield Schools team will therefore be based on athletes performances in the league. However, it will not necessarily be the first 12 that qualify. I have to take into account that the Norfolk Park race was also cancelled due to poor weather, and that some athletes have had clashes with other events which has limited their chance to run in the league.

In order to make the right selections, I am therefore asking for your help. If you have an athlete that is not in a favourable position in the league, and who's selection is therefore in the balance, and there are reasons for this, and reasons why you think they should be considered for selection, I will need you to email me by Saturday. Please include: Name of athlete, Year Group, Reasons why they have not raced in the league, any supporting evidence for their selection, e.g. Club races (Yorkshire XC, South Yorkshire League etc). This will help us to select our Sheffield team and ensure those with a chance of going on to represent South Yorkshire at the English Schools Championship are able to run at the South Yorkshire Championships. I aim to select the team this weekend and get invites out as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding with this, I know it will be a disappointment for many of your athletes.

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary


Please find attached the spreadsheet containing the final league positions, for both Teams and Individuals. The racing went right down to the wire, with some amazing performances, and wonderful enthusiam showed by all. Please can you look through the results and check for any errors (names/schools) so I can adjust the results if needed.

The next race is the very important City Champs at Graves Park on Saturday 11th January at the earlier time of 9:30am. At this fixture we need the help of as many marshals as possible. If you have not hosted a fixture then we ask for you to provide at least two marshals for this event (or more!). These can be staff of parents.

Further information about the City Champs will come to you, but as this is the main way we select the City of Sheffield team for the South Yorkshire Championships, it may be worth making your athletes aware of this important date.

Can I take this opportunity to thank all those that have offered help and support throughout the league: your help is massively appreciated!

Finaly, may I wish you all seasons greetings, and I look forward to seeing you all again at the City Champs where trophies will be presented to the winning teams!

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

SFSS Cross Country final results and standing 2024

Cross Country Update - Results and Final Fixture

This Saturday at Castle Dyke playing fields will be our final race of the Cross Country league. Fingers crossed that the wintry weather will hold off, but regardless, please ensure your athletes go prepared for cool, damp and breezy is Castle Dyke after all! Please can I also urge you to ask parents to park sensibly and not in front of resident's drives. We have had complaints previously.

I've attached the results for both the individual leagues and the team leagues. Please have a look - both individuals and teams are very finely balanced, with many being separated by just one point! In other words, it is all still to play for in many of the leagues.

Finally, can I remind you that this will be my final year as Secretary. If you feel that you could help next year in running the league (either on your own, or as part of a larger team) please can you let me, Pete McLeod and Andy Davis know. I'm more than happy to help out next year in a transitionary role, so don't feel you'd be left alone! It really is worthwhile, and any staff member with an interest in the sport would be more than welcome to get inviolved.

See you Saturday!

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

SFSS Cross Country results Round 3

2024/2025 Cross Country League Standings - Round 2

After two fantastic fixtures of cross country racing, I am pleased to be able to update you on both individual standings, and league standings ahead of this weekend's races at Bradfield School. The leagues are looking very close - make sure you race and pick up your points this Saturday!

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

SFSS Cross Country results Round 2

Secondary Schools Cross Country Fixtures - 2024 to 2025 season

We are pleased to be able to confirm the dates of the Secondary Schools Cross Country fixtures. Further details concerning the races, team selection etc will follow shortly.

Sat 28th Sept - High Hazels
Sat 12th Oct - Longley Park
Sat 9th Nov - Bradfield
Sat 23rd Nov - Norfolk Park
Sat 7th Dec - Castle Dyke
Sat 11th Jan 2025 - Graves Park (City Champs)
Sat 1st Feb - South Yorks Schools Champs
Sat 15th March - English Schools Champs

Look forward to seeing you all at these fixtures!

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

Cross Country League: 2024-2025

Good afternoon supporters of the SFSS Cross Country League!

I hope you have had a great summer and are finding your feet once again in's been a bit of a shock for me! Attached are a number of documents which will help you to prepare for the upcoming cross country season. The majority of things will run the same as last year, however there are a few changes, so please do check through the info.

1) A list of the fixture dates and venues. Please check - Longley and Norfolk Park have switched order.
2) The event manual - inportant details on how the day runs etc.
3) Risk Assessment
4) Entry form - please update who your main contact is for Cross Country as a number of staff have moved over the summer!

Finally, this season will be the last that I will be able to commit to being secretary of the Secondary School Cross Country League. I'll have done 7 years ( a full cycle from Y7 to Upper Sixth Form), and I feel it is now time for someone else to take over! This year would be an ideal oportunity for someone to learn the ropes alongside me, and see where we could improve the league further. The secretary doesn't have to be a PE teacher (I'm not!), but just someone with a passion and interest in our amazing sport. If you are interested, or know anyone who is interested, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me, or either Andy Davis or Pete Mcleod who would also be able to advise.

Thanks - here's to a great season!

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

SFSS Cross Country Fixtures 2024-2025

Event Manual

Risk Assessment

Entry Form

Cross Country Relays - Results

Last Saturday, Birkdale School hosted the annual Primary Schools Cross Country relays at their Castle Dyke sports ground. We were pleased to be able to offer for the first time relays for students in Years 7, 8 and 9 also this year, and attached are the results. It is great to see that a variety of schools were able to compete in these races, and it is something we will look to develop further in the future.

Congratulations and thanks must be given to Steve Moran who organised this event alongside a lot of others who offered up their help and support. Without this support, these events would simply not happen.

As we head into the athletics summer season, we will be looking to finalise dates for next season's races, and will advertise them as soon as the dates are confirmed. If you are reading this and think you would like to be involved, please do not hesitate to get in touch - we always need extra people to help out.

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

Secondary cross country relay results 2024

South Yorkshire Championships - Results / Teams / Admin

On Saturday 3rd February, Sheffield athletes had a fantastic set of races at the South Yorkshire Schools Cross Country Championships. A total of 36 Sheffield athletes have qualified to represent South Yorkshire at the English Schools Championships in March, with a further 9 athletes making it onto the reserves list. Thank you for all of the support you have given to your athletes throughout the season, and a huge thank you to those staff that helped out with the Sheffield team at Penistone.

I will email onto school staff the forms for the athletes that have been selected. Please keep an eye open in your emails for these! They will need to be either printed out and handed to athletes, or emailed to the athletes parents to complete. PLEASE DO NOT DELAY IN DOING THIS!!!! The deadline is very tight due to entries needing to be sent in to ESAA in the next week or so.

As well as emailing you individually, I have also enclosed a blank copy of the various forms here. I have also attached the results from Saturday's Champonships, along with the full team that will represent South Yorkshire.

Once again, thank you for all your support, and a huge good luck for athletes running at the English Schools Championships!

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

Acceptance letter and medical

Code of conduct non-residential

Invitation letter

South Yorkshire Schools Selection 24

South Yorkshire XC results

SYSAA Kit Letter 2024 - X Country

South Yorkshire Schools Cross Country Championships - UPDATE

Saturday 3rd February 2024 - Penistone Showground

Please see attached details of the car parking which is available at the Championship race. Please be aware that car parking is limited, and where possible, car parking at Penistone Grammar School should be used. Please do not park in the bowling club car park as this has been reserved for officials.

Please remember to arrive for 9am. You should report to the Bowling Green where there will be members of the Sheffield team to register you. Do not walk the course until you have been registered! Sheffield vests will be available to borrow, or purchase (£15 - can be worn for both Cross Country and Athletics events - please bring the correct change!)

If you are unable to run, please contact me asap so I can try arrange a reserve.

Course maps and details are attached - please note the slight change in some distances from past events - this is as a result of recent changes to the distances that will be run at the upcoming English Schools Championships.

Finally, can I wish you all a fantastic race! Unfortunately I cannot be present at this years event, but I am very much looking forward to hearing about your performances. Following the Championship, a South Yorkshire team will be selected, and I will be in touch asap to confirm who from Sheffield will go forward to represent South Yorkshire at the English School's Championships in March. Good luck!

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

parking for officials and TMs

Carpark for ATHLETES

distance and map

Sheffield Teams selected for South Yorks Champs

Thank you all for a successful Championship event yesterday at Graves Park. I think I ended up with sunburn!

In particular can I thank those staff that have been such an important part of the organisation, and who have repeatedly given up their time to volunteer at these events: Pete McLeod, Andy Davis, Pat Howse, Matt Donnelly, Helen Raynes, Charlotte Rothery, Hayley Simpson and Steve Moran. Thank you also to Keith Holmes, Mark Bennehan and Jenny Murray who have also been a great help throughout the season. The events we put on could not happen without volunteers. If you think you could be a part of the team next year, and help out at a one, or a number of events, please can you get in touch? It really is a rewarding experience.

Attached are a number of important documents that I need you to look at and deal with as a matter of urgency:

1) Teams selected to represent Sheffield at the South Yorkshire Schools Championships (3rd February). Athlete selection on the whole was fairly straightforward this year, with athletes that had performed well over the league races generally performing well at the City Champs. I did have to take into account a number of athletes that were unable to run at the Championships, and also take into account those that have performed very well over the league races, but whose performance slightly dipped at the championship race. Appologies to any runners that narrowly missed out on making the teams!

2) Team letters and reply slips. I would be grateful if you could check the teams for any of your athletes and distribute the 3 letters (4 for reserves). There is one letter to congratulate them, and two other documents that they need to complete and return to me. Athletes can post reply slips back to me, or scan them and send to my email address. There is also a letter for reserves to explain the situation regarding reserve athletes. Please encourage athletes o do this promptly!

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

Athlete Letter for Sheffield Representatives SYSAA CC Feb 2024

Sheffield XC Team for SY Champs 2024

Reserves additional note 2024

Reply slip athletes 2024

Reply slip 2 2024

Sheffield Schools City Championships - Sat 13th Jan 2024

Dear Cross Country team managers,

Happy New Year! I hope you have all had a restful break, and are ready to go again. This Saturday ( Saturday 13th January 2024) is the Sheffield Schools Cross Country Championships. Please read the details below carefully, and communicate this information to your athletes and parents.

1) Venue: Graves Park (start and finish at the Pavillion). Please note the earlier start time of 9:30am
2) Marshals - if you have not hosted a league fixture, the expectation is that you will provide 2 marshals at the City Championships. Marshals can be staff members or parents, or even responsible Sixth Formers. Please confirm that you will be bring marshals ASAP - without marshals we cannot run the races! Marshals should report to the finishing funnel at 9am to recieve instructions.
3) Results - YOU MUST SUBMIT YOUR RESULTS ON THE DAY PROMPTLY. Results cards will be available at the pavillion.
4) Non running athlete claims - if you have an athlete that is unable to run at the City Champs, but you feel they should strongly be considered for selection for the Sheffield Schools Team for the South Yorkshire Championships (Saturday 3rd February 2024 at Penistone Showground) you must email me with this claim (Name of athlete, reason why they did not run, supporting evidence for claim) by 5pm on Saturday. I need to select the Team and start emailing out the team details on Sunday.
5) League certificates and Trophies - these will be presented after the Championship races have been completed. Please stick around to support both athletes and teams.
6) I have attached a course map and race details for the Championship races.

Please, if there are any questions, or things that are not clear, please get in touch.

See you Saturday!

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

Order & Timing of Events at Graves


Merry Christmas everyone!

After a wet and wild last fixture at Castle Dyke (Huge thank you to Birkdale for hosting - and the mince pies and hot drinks!) I've done all the number crunching and can reveal the final league positions for teams and individuals. There were some incredibly close finishes after 5 races, and full details can be found in the attached spreadsheet. Well done to all, both individuals and teams.

The next race will be the City Championships at Graves Park on Saturday 13th January, with the slightly earlier start time of 9:30 am. For those schools that have not hosted a fixture, please be asking around and recruiting a few volunteers to help marshal the event. Look forward to seeing you all then - enjoy your holidays!

Thanks Peter

cross country 2023 2024 results Round 5

Cross Country Update - December 6th

Here's your update before our last league race of the season!

1) Updated results spreadsheet after the first 4 rounds is attached. There are some really close competitions in both individual and team races, and it will ultimately be down to the last race to claim those positions. It still really is all to play for in many of the leagues!

2) Last fixture of the league - Castle Dyke this Saturday, first race at 10am. It looks like we will not be snowed off, but is none the less likely to be quite cold, wet and windy, so please tell athletes to come prepared - massive thanks to Birkdale for hosting this fixture. (TEAM CARDS SHOULD BE COMPLETED AND HANDED IN ON THE DAY TO THE RESULTS BOXES IN THE PAVILLION)

3) Team trophies - YOU MUST RETURN THEM THIS SATURDAY TO CASTLE DYKE. Please bring them to the pavillion and place on the table. We must have them back so we can get them engraved for the City Champs in January. The teams that need to return trophies/shields are:

Y7 Boys – Silverdale Y7 Girls – King Edwards
Junior Boys – Tapton
Junior Girls – Bradfield
Inter Boys – High Storrs
Inter Girls – Tapton
League Champion School - Bradfield

4) City Champs - Saturday 13th January. If your school has not hosted a fixture, you will be expected to bring two marshals to help out at the City Champs. Please start having those conversations with staff and parents to ensure we can run the City Champs effectively.

Thanks Peter

cross country 2023 2024 results Round 4

SFSS Cross Country Update - 15th November 2023

1. Please find attached the latest results spreadsheet following the Bradfield Cross Country fixture. There has been a few changes in both individual league standings, and also the team standings. However, with 2 fixtures still remaining it is all to play for!

2. Huge thank you to Keith Holmes for the fantastic event he put on at Bradfield school in tricky conditions. It was great!

3. Next fixture is Saturday 18th November at Longley Park - see you there!

Thanks Peter

cross country 2023 2024 results Round 3


Hope you have all had a great rest over the half term holiday, and are feeling refreshed and ready to go again on Monday!

I'll quickly update you all on a few points regarding the Cross Country Season.

1) Results are attached. Please have a look through and share with your athletes. Both individual and team competions are very close, and with three more fixtures it really is all to play for! Any errors, please let me know, and I'll make the corrections.

2) Next race is this Saturday 4th November at High Bradfield. Keith has asked me to make you all aware that whilst runners can wear spikes, the course is really best suited to fell or trail shoes. Please make sure that your athletes come prepared for colder weather too, and encourage them to keep warm before and after the races.

3) Clarification of race dates - back in September when I sent race details out, there were two dates given for race 4! The correct dates are: Sat 4th Nov - Bradfield, Sat 18th Nov - Longley Park, Sat 9th Dec - Castle Dyke, Sat 13th Jan - Graves Park (City Champs). It was the Longley Park date that was wrong - please ensure you have it in you calendar correctly!

4) Reminder - athletes must have run in at least one league fixture to be consdered for selection for the Sheffield Team for the South Yorkshire Championships. Athletes cannot just turn up and run at the City Champs in January - they must have competeed in at least one of the 5 league races. Please speak to your athletes and make them aware of this.

5) Results cards - thank you for filling these in and handing in on the day. This has made it easier to collate the results. However, please do check you have identified on the team cards your school/race/gender/year group! I've had some detective work to do with some team cards!

6) Helpers - always needed, in particular at the finish line. We have a few people away at the Bradfield race, so any extra hands are greatly appreciated!

Thanks Peter

cross country 2023 2024 results Round 2

Cross Country Season 2023 - 2024

Cross Country 23-24 Schedule

Cross Country Update 5/10/23

Can I start by thanking everyone for a successful first fixture at High Hazels Park. Thank you to Mercia for providing marshals, and to all those other members of staff and volunteers that helped out on the day too. These volunteers are the life blood of our sport, and if anyone can ever help, please let me know!

I've attached the results from the first fixture. The first 12 in each race are recorded, and all teams (full teams of 4, then part teams of 3 are eligible for points / 3 runners at Senior level with teams of 2 also included). Please - if you spot any errors can you let me know. There were two results missing on the day, and I may have mis-spelled some runners names etc. Just let me know and I'll adjust the spreadsheet.

Next fixture is this Satuday at Norfolk Park. It's the same arrangements, courses and running order as in the past: 1. Y7 Girls
2. Y7 Boys
3. Junior Girls
4. Junior Boys
5. Inter and Senior Girls
6. Inter and Senior Boys.

Don't forget - bring your pencils to fill in team cards, and please get them into the results box before you leave on the Saturday.

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

Results Round 1


Good morning supporters of Cross Country!

Appologies for being slightly slow off the start line this term! I'm enclosing in this email details of the Cross Country league and Championships that will take place this year. Fixture lists, organisational details, Risk Assessment and Entry Form are enclosed.

Can I draw your attention to two points:

1) RESULTS - in order to make it less time cosuming and more manageable, we will be returning to the system of Team cards to be handed in on the day for any complete teams. The first indvidual 12 runners in each race will be recorded on the line. Please make sure you bring a pencil to fill in the team cards (cards to be collected and returned to the finish line. If team cards are not returned, your teams will not score!

2) HELPERS - we rely on a team of helpers to ensure these races can take place. This includes marshals, finish line helpers, someone to hand your results cards back into etc. What would be fantastic is if we had a bank of volunteers that could help with this throughout the season. Perhaps not every race, but to help at a number of races throughout the year. If you feel you could do this, please can you let me know. Ideally I'd like to set a WhatsApp group up so we can coordinate who is helping at which events. Our league is the envy of lots of other districts, and it would be great to keep it going, but it all depends on YOU!

See you on Saturday 23rd September at High Hazels (WE DO NEED MORE MARSHALS FOR THIS RACE TOO!)

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

Entry Form_2023

Event Manual appendix A 2023

SFSS Cross Country Fixtures 2023-2024

SFSS Cross Country Fixtures RISK ASSESSMENT 2023

South Yorkshire Cross Country Championships Athletes selected for the English Schools Championships

Can I start by thanking all runners, helpers, marshals, Team Managers and parents for what was a wonderful morning of Cross Country racing at Norfolk Park on Saturday. Well done to ALL runners on the way you represented your City. We are all very proud of you, and you should be too!

The South Yorkshire team has now been selected, and details of this is attached, along with a variety of letters and reply slips. These have also been sent out to schools. The deadline for replying, along with returning the forms is very short, partly due to the slightly earlier half term. Please check all the letters very carefully, and make sure you reply to the correct people (not me!).

Once again, well done! If you are running at the English Schools, I will see you there, if not, I'll see you all next September at the start of next season's league.

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

Athlete letter for South Yorkshire representatives 2023

Invitation letter Cross Country

Sheffield athletes selected for English Schools 2023

SYSAA Acceptance Form Cross Country 2023

SYSAA 2023 Cross Country Code of conduct Non Residential

SYSAA Kit Letter 2023 - X Country

South Yorkshire Schools Cross Country Champs - UPDATE Saturday 4th February

1. Thank you for the reply slips - if you have not returned these can you please make this a matter of urgency. I need time to call up reserves if needed!

2. Please ensure you arrive early on the Saturday. You will need to report to the Sheffield Team managers by 9am at the latest.

3. Vests will be available to borrow or buy. If buying, please bring the correct money (£15).

4. I've attached a map of the course, course details, and venue details. Please note the courses are different to the courses used earlier in the league races.

5. MARSHALS - we are still short of a few marshals. If you can help this is greatly appreciated! We host this fixture once every 4 years, so this is a great opportunity to help our young athletes have a successful day.

Look forward to seeing you all on the day, good luck, and most importantly...enjoy it!

SFSS Cross Country Secretary

Map of course

NHP Information

SYSAA XC Champs Laps and Distances


It was brilliant to see so many young athletes compete in very tricky and demanding conditions at Saturday's Cross Country Championships at Graves Park. Thank you for all your support in helping the event run smoothly - in particular to those schools that provided the marshals - thank you!

Attached is a Spreadsheet which contains the names of those athletes that have been selected to represent the City of Sheffield at the South Yorkshire Cross Country Championships at Norfolk Park, Sheffield on Saturday 4th February 2023. PLEASE CHECK THE LIST CAREFULLY. There are a small number of students that have been selected that were not at the City Champs, but whose performances throughout a number of League Races have resulted in them being selected. Selection of athletes is always a difficult task, but I have tried to be as fair as possible, taking into account primarily the results of the City Champs, but also League results.

In order to speed things up, rather than posting the reply forms out to you, I would be very grateful if you could print off the attached forms and distribute to your selected athletes straight away - I have a very short deadline to submit entries to the South Yorkshire Championships!

1) Athlete Letter inviting them to the Championships
2) Reply Slip
3) Reply slip 2

Please encourage athletes to complete these and return to me ASAP to the address mentioned in the letter. Alternatively, they are fine to do this electronically, and email the three documents back to me.

Regarding Reserves, they are not expected to travel to the event. However, if they can return their reply slips it would be great as I can contact them before hand if an athlete in the team becomes unavailable to run. Please explain this to any reserves that have been selected from your school. I have attached a supplementary note that you may want to print off and attach to the letters for your reserve athletes.

Thank you once again for your support, and please don't hesitate to contact me if there is any further clarification needed.

SFSS Cross Country Secretary

Athlete Letter

Reply Slip

Reply Slip 2

Reserves Notes

Sheffield Team Selection

SFSS Cross Country Championships - Graves Park, Saturday 14th January 2023

1. All runners are welcome to compete at the City Championships. With the last race of our league being cancelled we understand this may have worried some athletes about their eligibility, so we have decided that all athletes are able to compete and be considered for selection. An order of events and course maps are attached. Please note the earlier start time!
2. Selection for the Sheffield team will be based on both performance at the City Champs, alongside any performances in the league races. Obviously, those that have performed well in the league, and also perform well at the Championships will place themselves in a strong position for selection.
3. The names of the selected team will be emailed to all staff as soon as possible after the event, and also placed onto the SFSS website.
4. If one or more of your athletes cannot compete at the City Champs, and you would like to submit a claim for them to be included in the team, you will need to email me by 9pm on the Saturday evening (14th Jan). Please explain the reasons why they have not been able to compete, along with your reason why they need to be considered for the team.
5. The City Champs cannot run if we do not have marshals. The expectation is that if you have not hosted an event, you will bring at least two marshals to the City Championships. PLEASE CAN SCHOOLS RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL TO CONFIRM YOU WILL BRING 2 MARSHALS. These can be staff, parents or even 6th Form students. Marshals will need to report to the finish line at 9am.
6. Results work slightly different at the City Champs. Upon arrival you will need to collect a results envelope from the pavilion, and you must complete and fill in your results on the day and hand them back in! This is so we can finalise the Sheffield team asap. Please bring a pen or pencil to complete your results!
7. Certificates and Team trophies for the league will be presented after the Senior Boys race has concluded.

I'm certain I've probably missed something in this update, so please don't hesitate to get in touch with any questions that you might have. Looking forward to seeing you all bright and early in what will hopefully be a nice sunny day at Graves Park....

SFSS Cross Country Secretary

Order of Events


Unfortunately we have had to make the decision to cancel tomorrow's fixture (Sat 10th December) at Castle Dyke. The condition of the roads leading to the venue, and car parking at the venue are very icy and potentially dangerous.

SFSS Cross Country Secretary

Cross Country UPDATE

1) Results from the league are attached. It's very close and all to play for going into the last fixture! Thanks to Caz for collating these results.
2) The last of our league fixtures is this Saturday, the 10th December at Castle Dyke sports fields. It will be cold, windy and potentially snowy up there so make sure you and your athletes come suitable dressed!
3) This is the last chance for runners to take part in the league - remember: athletes cannot be selected for the Sheffield team if they have not competed in any league races.
4) Trophies and shields - if you have one from last year it will need returning on Saturday so we can get them engraved in time for the City Championships in January ((Saturday 14th at Graves Park - start time 9:30).

Thank you, and see you on Saturday!
SFSS Cross Country Secretary


Cross Country 2022/23


Results after Round 2

Well done to all runners that turned out at Norfolk Park on Saturday for the second of the Cross Country league fixtures. There was some fantastic racing, and some real battles that took place! Thank you also to all marshals and helpers who played an important role too. Results are attached...see you all at the next fixture at Bradfield on the 5th November.

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary


Results after Round 1

Well done to all runners who took part in the first race of the season at High Hazels Park. I hope you all enjoyed yourself and are looking forward to the next fixture which is at Norfolk Park on Saturday 15th October (first race at 10am).

Attached are the results from the first race. Some results are missing - can schools please ensure they email the results in on time to help Caz collate these.

Happy running!
SFSS Cross Country Secretary


Results SpreadSheet

Please find attached the blank results template that needs to be used when emailing your results back in. Please refer to the guidance in the documents posted last week as to the format this should be, and please try get results in by Tuesday after the race at the latest.

Peter Robertshaw
SFSS Cross Country Secretary


Secondary Schools Cross Country League 2022-2023

Welcome supporters of Cross Country! We are pleased to be able to update you with details of the upcoming Cross Country season. Details of all fixtures, information regarding the events, entry form and Risk Assessment are attached below. Please spend some time looking through the information.

For the first fixture, we are struggling for marshals. In order to allow the fixture to go ahead, could schools try find a member of staff or a parent volunteer to help?

Look forward to seeing you soon

Peter Robertshaw
SFSS Cross Country Secretary

Entry Form 2022

Cross Country Fixtures 2022/2023

Event Manual

Risk Assessment

South Yorkshire Schools XC Championships

I'd like to take this opportunity to say a huge "Well done!" to all the sheffield athletes who represented their City at the South Yourkshire Schools XC Championships on Saturday. Each and every one of you performed with drive and determination, and you should all be proud of your performances.

I'd also like to pass on my thanks to all the brilliant staff that helped out at the Championship and all those that have supported throughout the cross country season - Sheffield athletes are very lucky to have you on their team!

Attached are results from Saturday, and also the team selected for the English Schools Championships. Selected athletes will be contacted very soon with further details.

See you all next season!

Peter Robertshaw
SFSS Cross Country Secretary

South Yorkshire Team Selection

Championship Results

South Yorkshire Cross Country Championships - Update

This Saturday 5th February is the South Yorkshire Schools Cross Country Championship at Campsall Country Park, Doncaster. The Postcode is DN6 9LN. Please can I ask that you park very considerately around the venue, avoiding in particular parking across any driveways. There is a small car park near the leisure centre, otherwise it's careful parking on the side streets.

Athletes need to be at the venue to register for 9am. I understand this is early, but we need to submit a register of running athletes to the organisers before the first race. After registering, if you are running in a later race, please feel free to go back to your car and relax, or help support and cheer on the other Sheffield teams!

Attached is a copy of the map, and the courses/times of the races.

If, for any reason, you are unable to run, please can you contact me on my email below ASAP on so I can arrange a reserve to run. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Peter Robertshaw
SFSS Cross Country Secretary.

Course map



It was brilliant to see so many young athetes compete at Saturday's Cross Country Championships at Graves Park. Thank you for all your support in helping the event run smoothly - in particular to those schools that provided the marshals - thank you!

Attached is a SpreadSheet which contains the names of those athletes that have been selected to represent the City of Sheffield at the South Yorkshire Cross Country Champonships at Campsall, Doncaster on Saturday 5th February 2022. PLEASE CHECK THE LIST CAREFULLY. There are a small number of students that have been selected that were not at the City Champs, but whose performances throughout a number of League Races have resulted in them being selected. Selection of athletes is always a difficut task, but we have tried to be as fair as possible, taking into account primarily the results of the City Champs, but also League results.

In order to speed things up, rather than posting the reply forms out to you, I would be very grateful if you could print off the attached forms and distribute to your selected athletes straight away - I have a very short deadline to submit entries to the South Yorkshire Championships!

1) Athlete Letter inviting them to the Championships
2) Reply Slip
3) Reply slip 2

Please encourage athletes to complete these and return to me ASAP to the address mentioned in the letter. Alternatively, they are fine to do this electronically, and email the three documents back to me.

Regarding Reserves, they are not expected to travel to the event. However, if they can return their reply slips it would be great as I can contact them before hand if an athlete in the team becomes unavailable to run. Please explain this to any reserves that have been selected from your school.

Thank you once again for your support, and please dont hesitate to contact me if there is any further clarification needed.

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary

Sheffield Representatives SYSAA

Reply slip

Reply slip athletes

Sheffield Team selected for SY Champs


Just a few points that I need you to all be aware of, please read carefully:

1. You may well have some athletes that are not able to compete at the City Champs this Saturday for various reasons (Covid, other sporting events etc). Some of these may have performed very well in the league, and as a result may want considering for the Sheffield team for the South Yorkshire Championships. If this is the case, I will need you to email me with the name of the athlete and the reason why they have not been able to compete at this Saturday's race, by Saturday at 2pm by the latest. We will be looking at the City Champs results and selecting the team for the South Yorks champs later on the Saturday afternoon.

2. Courses and a map for the championship are attached. Please note that timings and distances are approximate. You are advised to walk the course prior to the races!

3. Marshals - thank you to those schools that have offered me a marshall or two. However, not all schools have, and we coud still do with a few more.

4. Presentations of the League Certificates and Trophies will take place after all races have concluded.

5. City Champs results - results are collected in a different way at the city champs as we need a very quick turn around. Upon arriving at Graves Park, you will need to report to Caz Kay to pick up your results envelopes. After each race, you will need to carefully and clearly write the athletes names and finishing positions on the results cards and return immediately to Caz. Please don't take these home - they must be handed in on the day (Please bring pens and pencils to record your results!)

I will have no doubt forgotten something, so please just email if you have any questions! See you on Saturday at the earlier start time of 9:30.



City Championships 2022

Good afternoon supporters of Cross Country,

Can I start by wishing you all a Happy New Year! I hope you have had a great break over the Christmas holidays and that you are slowly easing back into the swing of things!

On Saturday 15th January it will be the City Champs at Graves Park. First race is at the earlier time of 9:30. More details will follow shortly.

In the past this race has been marshalled by staff and parents from schools that have not hosted one of the league races. (A massive thank you to Steve Moran and Handsworth Grange, Craig Malkin and his team, Keith Holmes and all at Bradfield, Gerard and Tom at King Teds and Steve Depledge at Birkdale). In order for the City Championships to run successfully and safely I need to ask all the remaining schools that have attended these fixtures to be able to provide at least 2 marshals for this event. Marshals will be needed from 9am until approximately 11:15am.

Please can you respond to the email below ASAP confirming that you are able to bring marshals (and how many). Thank you in advance - I keep having nighmares that we will have hundreds of runners but no marshals on the course!

SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary.

Final League Positions

After 5 incredible league races I can now reveal the Team and Individual winners from the 2021-2022 Cross Country League! There were some very close positions both for Teams and Individuals. Well done to all who took part in this league - you have done yourself proud. The full detailed results are attached for you to have a look at. A massive "Thank You" to Caz Kay for all the hours that she has put into collecting and sorting these results out.

Next race is the City Championships at Graves Park on Saturday 15th January 2022 with the slightly earlier start of 9:30am. More details on this will follow in the New Year. Have a great holiday, and see you all on the 15th!

Peter Robertshaw

cross country 2021 2022 FINAL RESULTS


Cross Country Update

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We have one last fixture of the league remaining, and this will be at the Castle Dyke sportsfields this Saturday 11th December. Please note, that in order to be considered for selection for the Sheffield team at the South Yorkshire Championships, athletes must have competed in at least one league race, alongside the City Championships - if you've not run yet, this is your last chance!

Results are attached from the previous 4 races - all to play for going into the last race!

Peter Robertshaw

cross country results after race 4 2021


Results after Race 2

Many thanks to Caz Kay for putting together the results following on from Race 2 at Norfolk Park, and to Craig Malkin and all the fantastic volunteers who helped run the event. There were some great performances, and the teams competition is really starting to heat up! Results attached.

Cross country Results Race 2 2021


Next Race at Bradfield School - Saturday 6th November

Race 1 - High Hazels Results

Well done to all runners who turned up and raced in the first fixture at High Hazels Park. Attached is a spreadsheet of the results. Thanks to Caz Kay for her hard work putting this together.

Cross country Results Race 1 2021


Next race: Saturday 9th October - Norfolk Park

This Saturday will see the return of competitive Cross Country racing for secondary schools in Sheffield! After over a year and half, it will be great to see you all bright and early and ready to encourage our athletes at High Hazels Park.

I'm enclosing a few documents that it would be great for you to study prior to the event:

1) The Event Manual - details of the league, race distances, selection criteria, submission of results etc are included here.
2) Fixture List for the season
3) Risk Assessment - please familiarise yourself with this and speak to students and parents about following the latest Covid guidelines
4) Entry Form - thank you to those schools that have already entered
5) Blank Results Template - instructions on how to submit resits to Caz Kay are included in the Event Manual (Please submit results as soon as possible after the event as collating results is a mammoth job for Caz!)

Oh, and if anyone wants to join the team of helpers at these events it would be greatly appreciated - an extra pair of hands to help marshal or at the finish line is never going to be turned down! Please email me if you can help out!

See you Saturday!.

Entry Form 2021


SFSS Cross Country Fixtures 2021-2022


Event Manual appendix A 2021


Blank results template 2021


SFSS Cross Country Fixtures RISK ASSESSMENT 2021


Dear Teachers and Supporters of Cross Country,

It is with great pleasure that I can now announce the confirmed dates and venues of the Cross Country League! Thank you for your patience over the last two years. Hopefully we can get back to competitive running as we knew it! Attached is a list of the fixtures, and also an Entry form. Please complete he form and return to me as soon as possible.

Further details will be posted in the near future regarding the collecting of results, Risk Assessments etc.

Also, please note that the league starts a week or so earlier than usual. First race is at High Hazels Park on Saturday 25th September. First race @ 10am.

Peter Robertshaw
SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary.

Entry Form 2021


SFSS Cross Country Fixtures 2021-2022


Cross Country Fixtures - 2020/2021 Season Update

Morning All

Hope you are all ok, and coping well with all the challenges that are being thrown our way. As you have probably worked out, it's looking very unlikely that we will be able to run any cross country fixtures before Christmas. We had looked at a few possible ideas to allow students to compete, and had worked on new Risk Assessments and protocols, but in light of current events, and the stance from Sheffield City Council, we just aren't able to offer any inter school competition at the moment. I know this will come as a disappointment to many of you, and to a lot of your students, and I'm sorry we can't give them the competition they were looking forward to, but we are kind of stuck with this situation at the moment.

Steve (Primary Schools Secretary) and myself are still looking at ways we might be able to put on some fixtures/trail races in the spring and summer term, but this very much depends on what happens over the next few months.

Once again, apologies that this is not the news you were wanting. We will keep you informed of any changes as they arise. Thanks,

Peter Robertshaw
SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary.

2020 - 2021 Season Update

Athletes / Teachers / Parents - hope you are all feeling fit and healthy in this slightly strange time that we find ourselves in. As we approach the traditional cross country season, we would like to just keep you informed with where we are in our planning and organisation.

We are hoping, and feeling positive, that we will be able to offer a range of Cross Country Fixtures throughout the Autumn term culminating in the City Championships at Graves Park early in January. Whilst we can't guarantee that all fixtures will be on, we are working to put on as many as we can do. This will obviously involve some changes to how we run the events to ensure all runners, spectators and marshals are safe. We met last week to start drawing up the extra necessary Risk Assessments and Protocols that will need putting in place, and will then be working with Sheffield City Council to get these rubber stamped.

Can I thank you for your patience in the meanwhile, and as soon as we have confirmation we will get this information out to you.

Keep on running!
Peter Robertshaw
SFSS Secondary Schools Cross Country Secretary.

South Yorkshire Cross Country Championships - Athletes selected for English Schools Championships

Firstly can I say a massive well done to all athletes that ran on Saturday at Doncaster. Conditions were very tough, and a lot of grit, determination and effort was on display! All athletes should be proud of themselves. They were a credit to Sheffield Schools.

At the selection committee meeting following the championships, the following athletes have been selected to represent South Yorkshire at the English Schools Cross Country Championships at Liverpool on Saturday 14th March 2020. Letters have just been posted out and will be with schools by Tuesday at the latest. Please return reply slips/forms as soon as possible - it's a tight turnaround before the English Schools.

Junior Girls
Rebecca Evans

Junior Boys
Noah Milbourn
Leni Scott
Tom Wilkinson

Intermediate Girls
Annie Naylor
Hannah Metherall
Isobel Causer
Polly Platts
Katie Adams
Heidi Robertshaw

Intermediate Boys
Ethan Roberts-Cutts
Euan Tryner
Bryn Squires
Olmo Colmbley

Senior Girls
Esther Rowe-Towle
Jodie Hill
Laura Trask
Resian Morris
Holly Booker
Ellen Patton

Senior Boys
Joe McDadd
Alex Durant
Sam Tierney
Tom Valentine William Burton

Well done to all those selected, and for those that narrowly missed out, keep year could be your year! Thanks for all those that have supported throughout the season, and we will see you all in a muddy field in the near future!

Peter Robertshaw
SFSS Cross Country Secretary

South Yorks Schools XC Championship Results 2020

South Yorkshire Schools Cross Country Championships 2020

Attached are the individual results from the Championship races at the weekend

South Yorks Schools XC Championship Results 2020

South Yorkshire Schools Cross Country Championships
Saturday 1st February 2020

Please have a look at the attached document which gives details of the upcoming Championship at Doncaster this Saturday. Please do read it carefully as there are some important points to note!

South Yorkshire Schools Cross Country Championships

Teams for South Yorkshire Schools Cross Country Championships
Saturday 1st February 2020

First off can I say a massive well done for everyone who has been involved this season. Thanks to all staff, parents, helpers and of course, you amazing runners! Selecting teams for the South Yorkshire Championships is always a tricky thing to do. I've tried to be as fair as I can, taking into account not just the result in the Championships, but also performances throughout the season. So many runners merit a place, but unfortunately we are limited in how many we can take! So well done to those selected, and for those that haven't made the team, next year could be your year!

Attached here are a number of documents:

1) Sheffield Team selected for South Yorkshire Champs
2) Athletes letter for selected athletes
3) Reply slip
4) Reply Slip 2

Copies of the letter and reply slips will be sent out to schools in the next few days, but if you have been selected, feel free to print off and send them to me as soon as you can.

Once again, massive congratulations for all of should be super proud of yourselves.

City Championship - Final details

Please read carefully through the attached document which gives details about Saturday's Championship races. Of particular importance is the slightly earlier start time, along with information on what to do if you have a runner that cannot compete, but you still feel should be considered for selection.

See you all on Saturday!


Cross Country League - Final Results

Congratulations to all runners and all teams that competed in the SFSS Cross Country League. There were many incredible races, and great grit and determination was shown by runners time and again. You should all be really proud of yourselves! The full results are attached in the following spreadsheet.

Next race - City Champs at Graves Park, earlier start 9:30am, Saturday 11th January 2020. See you there!


2019-20 Fixtures

  • 5 October 2019 High Hazels Park
    (League fixture 1)
  • 19 October 2019 Longley Park
    (League fixture 2)
  • 9 November 2019 Bradfield School
    (League Fixture 3)
  • 23 November 2019 Norfolk Park
    (League fixture 4)
  • 14 December 2019 Castle Dyke
    (League fixture 5)
  • 11 January 2020 Graves Park
  • February 2020 South Yorkshire Schools
  • 13 March 2020 ESAA